Information for Wastewater Customers

What Not To Flush:

  • Diapers cloth or disposable, wash cloths, flushable wipes, towels, rags (any cloth items)
  • Facial tissues, paper towels, sanitary napkins, tampons or any non-organic material.
  • Baby wipes, disinfectant wipes, moist wipes, “flushable” wipes, etc.
  • Dental floss, Q-tips or beauty products
  • Egg shells, nutshells and coffee grounds
  • Fats, oils, and greases
  • Plastics of any kind, “disposable” gloves, “disposable” toilet brushes
  • Medications, Kitty litter
  • Garden pesticides, fertilizers, paint, varnish, paint remover, motor oil, gasoline or any explosive material

What TO FLUSH: Human Waste & Toilet Paper ONLY

Illicit Sanitary Sewer Connections (Sump Pumps)

  • Sump Pumps are not permitted to discharge into the sanitary sewer system.
  • Roof leaders are not permitted to discharge to the sanitary sewer system.
  • Floor/Foundation/area drains are not permitted to allow surface or groundwater to discharge to the sanitary sewer system.
  • The above listed discharges contribute to hydraulic overloading of the wastewater collection, conveyance and treatment systems. The above connections must be eliminated to keep the cost of the sewage conveyance and treatment as reasonable as possible. Please contact the Township is you have questions.  Financial penalties may be assessed against customers who refuse to correct the connection problems.
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